QR Codes

So, this week, my husband and I took the children from church to a camp at Eagle Eyrie called Centrikid. Everyone had an awesome time, but I’ll admit…I am worn out! Walking up and down mountains in the heat is not my thing, but the experience while there and the people you meet make it worth it! Anyway, I got back yesterday afternoon and realized, AAHH! I haven’t done my QR code! So, here is my QR code connecting you to the Centrikid website in case you want to see what it’s all about. Definitely check out OMC (Organized Mass Chaos), which is totally messy and fun!


QR codes can be used in many different ways in the classroom. One of my co-teachers uses them quite often. At open house, she had a QR code for parents to scan if they wanted to see what extra materials we could use in the classroom. Other times during class, they were used to take the students to a video they needed to watch. The codes could also be used to show students the correct answer after they have completed a problem or answered a question. QR codes are fun and exciting ways for students to get information rather than just having the information right there in front of them on paper. Students enjoy using technology and doing things different rather than the same old routine. Why not switch it up for them every now and then?

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